Out with the old, in with the new. Year 2011!
My time to complain-
I may sound so excited but for some reason, it's just another year. Nothing has changed, and Justin and I are still in two separate states working and pushing through every day. It's getting tiring. After a day where I spent wasted energy to get absolutely nothing accomplished, or so it feels like, all I want to do is come home, curl up on the couch and just sit next to Jus or have Maxx around to play tug-o-war with. It's the simple things in life I miss-my husband around and having time to do things I need to focus on (e.g. studying for my test, and not working so much). As you can tell I'm a little overwhelmed at the given moment, and sick to add to my list.
Okay-Complain train is over!
With all this being said, I have decided to attempt going back to the gym. By going back to the gym I don't mean working out every day. That's not the goal. The goal is to work off frustrations and the anxiety of having so much to do. It's my time to unwind and I don't like to think of it as getting in shape. Even though I'm doing that too. I've set an important date for this spring. No, no babies yet or thinking of mini-me's and mini-Justin's running about. I'm going to run a half-marathon and I'm trying to convince Justin to train for the same one (but, to no prevail, no commitment has been made on his part, yet).
Last week, my run was simply running from frustration. But in the midst, as I was running away (on a treadmill) I gained a rhythm I've never understood or experienced before. What seemed like five minutes was 30 minutes and I ran 3.5 miles. Go me! And for those of you who run, yes I'm slow, so please pass me when running, I won't catch up to you. That is, unless you stop to go tinkle on the side of the road.
So far this year, 2011, I have realized that I have had career goals for a long time, though I've never had goals for my own physical or emotional well being of keeping myself healthy and in shape past college. I've always been the athlete who had a gym membership and would go for a month at a time, work out hard, feel like I accomplished something (maybe losing 5 lbs), then retreat back to working, coaching and keeping myself busy. I have never really gained the importance of why I should continue to be healthy until now. Healthy in the way I see fit; working out with a goal in mind, accomplishing that goal and continuing to be aware of what I am eating. There are two types of diets; the no fun, hate this but I'm doing it because I'm simply want to lose some extra lbs. and be "skinny" or the conscious eater, who eats to fuel the body with nutritional value and not deprive the simple sweets in life. I choose diet #2, not to lose, but if I do great-but to be healthy inside and out.
As life continues I need to keep reminding myself about the simple things that continually make me happy. Number One, my husband and the goal of being together by the end of the year; Number 2, working in the schools everyday-not worrying about next year; Number 3, training for a half marathon for my own well-being; Number 4, enjoy time with family and finally Number 5, take time off and enjoy a vacation!